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Filipinas invited to enter essay contest

The Philippine Embassy is inviting Filipino women married to Koreans to enter an essay writing contest to win up to 3 million won ($2,500).

The competition has been organized by the Research Institute of Asian Women of Sookmyung Women’s University and the Korea Exchange Bank.

Filipinas who are married and residing in Korea are invited to write on the theme of “My Life in Korea.”

Divorcees or separated residents are also qualified to enter.

The essay should be less than three pages of A4 paper long and should be written on one of four topics: “My Experiences of Korean Culture,” “My Child Rearing Story in Korea,” “My Traveling Story in Korea” or “My Economic Self-reliance in Korea.”

The essay may be written in the applicant’s native language, such as Tagalog, and should be submitted by July 13 to

Applicants must write their native country, name, phone number and address alongside their essay.

The winners will be announced on Oct. 31 with 3 million won being awarded as the grand prize. Gold prizes of 1 million won will go to two people, with 700,000 won being given to five silver awardees. Bronze prizes of 500,000 won will go to 10 people and 15 entrants to get honorable mentions will get 300,000 won each. For further information go to