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Investors told about Pakistani coal

Pakistani Ambassador to Seoul Shaukat Ali Mukadam has spoken at a Gyeonggi Province college to inform of investment opportunities in coal mining in his country.

Pakistan is estimated to have186 billion tons of coal reserves, with 175 billion tons being located in the Sindh Province alone. The site at Thar is one of the largest coal deposits in the world. The resources there have an estimated potential to generate 100,000 megawatts of electricity over a period of more than 100 years.

“This resource provides wonderful opportunity for large scale mining and power generation for a long period of time,” Mukadam said.

The ambassador added that potential investment options in the area included coal mining, power generation projects and mine mouth power projects.

His presentation was held at Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology and organized by Siheung Vision Academy in Siheung on May 21.

College president Han Young-Su, Siheung Mayor Kim Yoon-sik, and National Assembly member Rep. Ham Jin-kyu joined the presentation to hear about investment opportunities in Pakistan. As well as coal, these included corporate agricultural farming, electronics, power supply, construction, automobiles and textiles.