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Koreans seek chances for EU study

A day to discuss study and research opportunities in Europe was held at Sookmyung Women’s University on May 17.

Prospective students had the chance to find out about study opportunities in 14 European countries at the event supported by the EU Delegation to Korea.

Participating countries hosted booths to offer individual counseling as well as language workshops. Information on job and internship opportunities was also available.

Students joined a lucky draw for gifts from each European country and Sookmyung Women’s University.

They also learned about different exchange programs, including the ECTS system, Asemundus programs and the Bologna Process.

Signed in 1999, the Bologna Process aims to create a European Higher Education Area with more compatibility, comparable quality control and recognition procedures. This has helped to increase international exchange of students and researchers and to improve the quality of European higher education.

The Czech, Finnish, Hungarian, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and Swiss embassies were all in attendance. Meanwhile, Austria, France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. were represented by their cultural and educational branches in Korea.

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