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British Embassy party marks Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

The British Embassy held a party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in Seoul on Thursday. The event in the garden of British Ambassador Scott Wightman’s residence marked Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year on the throne.

The queen became head of state of Britain and six other countries upon the death of her father, King George VI, on Feb. 6, 1952, with her coronation held on June 2 of that year.

Wightman, who has been in Seoul for six months, delivered part of his celebratory speech in Korean. 
U.K. Ambassador Scott Wightman (second from left) applauds with guests to celebrate the British Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. (Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)
U.K. Ambassador Scott Wightman (second from left) applauds with guests to celebrate the British Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. (Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)

He said: “Over the next few weeks we will be celebrating 60 years of unstinting service by Her Majesty the Queen to the people of Britain and the people of the commonwealth.

“Her majesty ascended the throne during the Korean War. Over 40 years later she paid a state visit to this country to symbolize the very warm and friendly relations between Britain and Korea.

“In 2004, she hosted President Roh during his very successful visit to the U.K. Those were both very happy and enjoyable occasions.”

The ambassador said that the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games in London this summer were also making 2012 an exceptionally exciting year for the U.K.

He also commented on London’s good relations with Seoul.

He said: “I have been in Seoul for just six short months and in that time I have been able to get a good sense of the depth and breadth of our bilateral relationship and it is clear to me that there is tremendous potential for that relationship to grow further by working together on international challenges such as climate change, increasing two-way trade and investment, by boosting education exchanges and research collaboration for example.”

Former Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-soo and Rep. Park Jin, who is president of the Korea-Britain Society, also made congratulatory speeches.

By Kirsty Taylor  (