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Israel celebrates through song

The Israeli Ambassador to Korea has praised the talent of his nation’s people for turning a “nation that turned desert and rocks into a beautifully inviting landscaped land.”

Tuvia Israeli wrote to commemorate his county’s 64th Independence Day: “Israel has been preoccupied incessantly with the primal need to survive, nevertheless Israel is here to prove in many exciting ways that there is far more to life.”

A special cultural program in Seoul on Thursday also commemorated the country’s 50 years of diplomatic ties with Korea.

Seven opera singers from Israel and Korea entertained the diplomatic community at the event. The young Israeli singers are being supported by the Zvi & Ofra Meitar Family Fund. Soprano Julia Mihyun Kho, professor at Chung-Ang University and conductor of the Alma Latina diplomatic choir also performed.

A photography exhibition of images taken by press photographer Beno Rothenberg was on display to show the initial years of Israel between 1947―1957 at the reception at the Hyatt Hotel.