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Senegal marks national day in Seoul

Senegalese Ambassador Amadou Dabo hailed his country’s recent democratic elections as a victory for all of Africa as he celebrated his country’s 52nd national day in Seoul on Wednesday.

“This year we celebrate our independence day in the powerful context marked by a presidential election that confirmed the victory of the opposition parties’ coalition against the ruling party,” Dabo said.

“As widely reported by international media, His Excellency Abdoulaye Wade, then president of the Republic of Senegal, without waiting for the announcement of the final result of the election, called his challenger Macky Sall to congratulate him on his broad victory.” Sall was sworn in as president earlier this month. 
African ambassadors join to cut the cake at the Senegalese Embassy’s celebration of the country’s national day.(Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)
African ambassadors join to cut the cake at the Senegalese Embassy’s celebration of the country’s national day.(Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)

Riots in protest against Wade’s bid to stay in office beyond his two-term limit led to six deaths. But, in a surprise move, Wade conceded defeat after Sall won 65.8 percent of the vote, ending his 12 years in power.

“This presidential election revealed once again all the vitality of our democratic system, and the maturity of the Senegalese people,” Dabo added.

“With this proper conduct of electoral process Senegal has shown once again that Africa can organize democratic, peaceful and transparent elections.

“Therefore, the signal is not only for some African countries but for all those who still doubt the ability of Africa to solve its own problems. Ultimately, the success of the electoral process in Senegal is a victory for all of Africa.”

Dabo also praised the good relations between Korea and Senegal, with projects recently finalized in the fishing industry and energy sectors, as well as a growing interest from Korean private investors since last year.

“My country also greatly appreciates the Korean government’s development support and current assistance from KOICA,” he said.

The event at the Lotte Hotel also marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with Korea, with many cultural events being held in Senegal this year.