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U.S. government urged to act on rumors of N.K.-China missile ties

A U.S. lawmaker has formally requested the Obama administration examine reports of possible missile cooperation between North Korea and China, a congressional source said Wednesday.

In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) said the U.S. should do something if the allegations are found true, added the source.

He cited some experts‘ analysis of a transporter-erector-launcher that carried what is believed to be the North’s new long-range missile in a recent military parade in Pyongyang.

They said the 16-wheel vehicle is apparently based on a design from a Chinese agency.

There has been no formal confirmation that what was on display was a real intercontinental ballistic missile and that China and North Korea worked together to develop such weapons.

“Of deeper concern, however, are allegations that the missile, unveiled at the recent military parade in Pyongyang, is based on Chinese technology, in violation of international obligations and a threat to the national security interest of the United States,”

Turner was quoted as saying in the letter.

He serves as the chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee.

He asked Clinton and Clapper to report back to Congress if they acquire any evidence of such cooperation between Pyongyang and Beijing, according to the source. (Yonhap News)