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Pakistani envoy tells Suwon of his country

Pakistani Ambassador Shaukat Ali Mukadam (left) stands with Suwon Mayor Yeom Tae-young in front of Suwon Fortress on Thursday.(Pakistani Embassy)
Pakistani Ambassador Shaukat Ali Mukadam (left) stands with Suwon Mayor Yeom Tae-young in front of Suwon Fortress on Thursday.(Pakistani Embassy)
Pakistani Ambassador Shaukat Ali Mukadam shared news of his country’s diplomatic relations with Korea during a visit to Suwon on Thursday.

The ambassador gave a presentation in the city just south of Seoul to scholars of the Research Institute of East Asian Culture.

The institute was established in 2005 to help increase cultural understanding throughout the region.

The audience at the event included Suwon Mayor Yeom Tae-young, RIEAC president Kim Yong-kuk, Suwon City’s director general of culture and education Park Heung-sik and Suwon City library office administration director Han Seung-Hwan.

Mukadam shared his views of the excellent bilateral relations between Pakistan and Korea as well as informing the audience about the country’s history.