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Denmark, Korea among cleantech leaders

Denmark has been listed top in the world for innovation in clean technology, and South Korea has come first in Asia.

A new report from the World Wildlife Fund and Cleantech Group ranks Denmark first in the world when it comes to cleantech innovation. And the report ranks South Korea eighth in the world and first in Asia.

Clean technology, or cleantech, uses innovative ways to create energy while minimizing environmental damage and pollution.

Its many aspects can include recycling, renewable energy and green transportation.

The “Coming Clean” report compared 38 nations on 15 different factors related to cleantech start-ups.

The report examined where new cleantech companies are growing today, and which countries are best at creating innovation in green technology.

Denmark scored 4,7 in the Cleantech Innovation Index while South Korea had a score of 3,3.

Both countries were praised for their strong government policy and public R&D spending. The sector is a high priority for both Korea and Denmark, with the two countries forming a green alliance to develop new kinds of green technology.