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New envoy to U.S. says N. Korea needs help

North Korea needs help from the international community to come forward and join global society, as international relations have changed since the late 20th century, said the new South Korean ambassador to the United States.

“I believe the United Nation’s perspective on North Korea is very appropriate in that the U.N. sees the need for help in North Korea to encourage it to join global society,” Choi Young-jin, ambassador to the United States, told reporters in Seoul, Thursday, after receiving a letter of credentials from President Lee Myung-bak.

Choi replaced the former ambassador Han Duck-soo, who made a surprise offer to step down during his visit to Seoul late February.

“In the past, weak countries were regarded as targets to be annexed. But since the late 20th century, new perspectives that countries with difficulties need global help have gained traction,” Choi said.

“I think such perspectives that the North Korean situation will be resolved with its participation in the international community are right.”

Regarding the opposition party’s vow to nullify the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement if they take power through the next presidential election, Choi said it would be “very unusual” in light of international practices that two nations would sign a treaty and repeal it soon after.

U.S. agreement on the appointment of Choi came after less than a week, which was unusually quick.

The 63-year-old is a career diplomat, having served various posts in the past including vice foreign minister, permanent representative of Korea to the U.N., ambassador to Austria, chief of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security and deputy minister for foreign policy planning at the Foreign Ministry.

After being appointed the Special Representative of the U.N. Secretary-General for Cte d’Ivoire in 2007, Choi’s diplomatic capacity was recognized by the international community for his efforts to end civil wars in the country.

By Kim Yoon-mi (