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New chamber to link Korea, Peru business

The Embassy of Peru and businesspeople here have come together to launch a new Peruvian Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

“Our general idea is to have a place where we can facilitate opportunities for Korean companies that enable them to act on their interest in Peru and vice versa,” said Peruvian Ambassador Marcela Lopez Bravo.

“We can find out what Peru needs from Korea and what Korea needs from Peru.”

And Yulchon attorney Gonzalo D. Soriano, who will be the secretary of the new chamber, said: “I can see that the interest in Peru is definitely on the rise. Many are discovering Peru for the first time. The chamber of commerce is an excellent way to start engaging the relationship.”

Businesspeople from Hyundai Engineering & Construction, Samsung Thales and POSCO E&C attended a launching evening for the organization to be known as PeruCham Korea at the ambassador’s residence in Seoul on Thursday.

The new non-profit, unincorporated organization will be headquartered in Seoul with branch offices throughout the country.

PeruCham Korea shall help to create business opportunities for Korean companies by creating networks between here and Peru and providing a forum through activities and meetings for Korean and Peruvian business to exchange views, experiences and extend contacts.

Many companies at the launch event already had ties with the mineral-rich Latin American country, which signed a fair trade agreement with Korea last year.

POSCO E&C’s overseas civil business group’s section manager Jun-chul Chang said the company was already constructing two thermal power plants in Peru and was considering investigating a hydroelectric project too.

“There is a lot of potential in the relationship between Peru and Korea but we need someone to be in the middle. I think this is a good chance to bridge the two countries,” said Hwijae Lee, managing director of international relations for Korea Importers Association.

He said having a chamber of commerce would help small and medium enterprises as well as big companies enter Peru.

The country in western South America has an export-orientated economy with its main exports being copper, gold, zinc and textiles.

The ambassador suggested that chamber members should meet monthly as well as having an AGM in December. Lopez will be the honorary chairperson of the new chamber, which is still seeking a president and possibly one more director.

The chamber has been formed in time to welcome an investment delegation coming from Peru that will bring representatives of road and mining companies.

The Peruvian president will also visit Korea in May.

By Kirsty Taylor (