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Fire victims remembered by Honduras

A book of condolences will be opened at the Honduran Embassy for people to pay respects to the hundreds of people killed in a prison fire in the country.

The blaze at the overcrowded Comayagua Prison Farm on Feb. 14 resulted in the loss of 377 lives.

The Embassy of the Republic of Honduras said with “profound sorrow” that the book of condolences will be opened at the chancellery of the embassy from 10 a.m. until noon and from 2-4 p.m. from Feb. 21-22.

Honduran president Porfirio Lobo Sosa issued a statement Friday saying that “the tragedy that took place in Comayagua Prison Farm, on Feb. 14 is unacceptable.”

He has instructed the Honduran Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, with the support of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to ensure the human dignity, justice and fair treatment of the victims’ families.

“The President of the Republic reasserts that the national authorities with the assistance of the international cooperation will continue carrying out a thorough investigation to determine beyond any doubt the causes of this unfortunate incident and accountability for any found responsible, so that such tragedy does not happen again,” the statement read.

Honduran President Porfirio Lobo issued a plea for international assistance in carrying out a thorough investigation “to determine beyond any doubt what led to this tragedy and determine responsibility.”