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Sponsors sought for St. Paddy’s Day

The Irish Association in Korea is seeking sponsors for its annual St. Patrick’s Day event. The association hopes to celebrate Ireland’s national day with an event in Seoul on March 17.

But the group is seeking further funding to hire the equipment and staff necessary for the celebration that last year attracted about 10,000 visitors.

The event costs between 10-20 million won to put on once costs such as venue hire, equipment and security are met. It has proved popular with expats and Koreans, featuring parades, Irish traditional dancers and plenty of Guinness in previous years.

Ceilidh and rock bands as well as Irish dancers ― including a group of Koreans who visited Ireland to learn the moves ― are already lined up to talk part in the event.

“Apart from a sponsor, all the plans are there,” said one of the event’s organizers Shauna Browne.

Although the Irish Chamber of Commerce in Korea has provided some funding for this year’s event, more sponsors are still being sought. Seoul’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations have been sponsored by Guinness, Diageo and Korean Air in the past.

“The events have been organized by the Irish Association of Korea over the past decade and I salute all their tremendous volunteer efforts to bring a flavor of Ireland and our culture to the streets of Seoul,” said Irish ambassador Eamonn McKee.

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