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Tastings, films and tango flavor of Argentine week

The cultural bounty of Buenos Aires is being shared this week thanks to a host of events in Korea.

A photo exhibition of modern images snapped in the Argentine capital by renowned photographer Miguel Molinari kicked off the Latin American country’s events at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center in Seoul last week.

“The show brings another aspect of Argentina and allows us to get closer to Korea,” said Argentine Ambassador to Seoul Carlos Arganaraz, at the opening on Wednesday.

“These kinds of photos are very natural. They show very well the life in our capital. How Argentineans eat how they interact and how they enjoy life.”
Argentine Ambassador to Korea Carlos Alberto Arganaraz stands next to a photo at the Buenos Aires exhibition in Seoul on Tuesday. (Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)
Argentine Ambassador to Korea Carlos Alberto Arganaraz stands next to a photo at the Buenos Aires exhibition in Seoul on Tuesday. (Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)

The 30 images making up the “My Passion for Buenos Aires” include shots of the Argentinean National Congress building, as well as colorful cafes and tango dancing. Typical street scenes also feature in the shots from the photographer who visited Seoul last September to showcase his work at the Korea International Art Fair.

The exhibition will be on display at the KFCC in the Mirae Asset Center 1 west building in Suha-dong, central Seoul until Dec. 19.

And Argentine Week in Seoul is also running all week at the Buenos Aires Wine & Steak restaurant.

Tastings of wine, food and yerba mate tea from South America’s second-largest country are being held at 12 p.m. each day until Dec. 24. Tango lessons from dancers Ivana Fleitas and Mauricio Cordoba are running 1:30-2 p.m. and Argentinean films will also be screened daily from 3-5 p.m. until Wednesday.

A conference on tango by professor Cho Young-sil will then be held on Thursday from 3-5 p.m. and a conference on the life of famous former First Lady of Argentina Evita Peron will be held by former cultural counselor of the Korean Embassy in Buenos Aires, Park Won-soo. Extra tango lessons will also be taught on Friday from 1:30―5 p.m.

The embassy will also hold a reception to celebrate the week of culture on Thursday at the restaurant from 12-3 p.m.

Buenos Aires Wine & Steak restaurant is located in the Seocho area of Seoul, near Sinsa Subway Station’s Exit 5.

For more information call (02) 3444-6634 go to

By Kirsty Taylor (