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N. Korean art troupe's performance in Seoul unlikely in Oct.: source

A North Korean art troupe's planned performance in South Korea will be unlikely to be held as agreed in October as details have not been determined, a government source said Friday.

"The South and the North have not reached an agreement on schedules and places for the performance," the official said on condition of anonymity. "Under current circumstances, it will be hard for the performance to be held in October."


South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un agreed in September to hold the performance in Seoul in October as part of efforts to bolster cultural exchanges.

Senior officials of the two Koreas also met in mid-October and agreed to continue to discuss holding the performance before the end of this month, but they failed to produce any fixed date.

The North's performance appears to be intended to reciprocate a performance titled "Spring Comes" by a South Korean art troupe in Pyongyang in April. North Korean leader Kim suggested holding the North's performance in the South in autumn and proposed it be called "Autumn Came." (Yonhap)
