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S. Korea to extend period for NK defectors to apply for settlement

South Korea will extend the period in which North Korean defectors can apply for settlement here from the current one year to three years as part of efforts to provide them with more support, the unification ministry said Tuesday.

Under the current law, defectors could face restrictions in receiving state support, including help related to housing, if they fail to express their intent to settle in South Korea within one year of arrival.

The ministry added that it will also provide residence-related support, a major form of assistance for their settlement in the South, even if they miss the deadline.


The Cabinet approved a relevant law revision Tuesday. It is subject to National Assembly endorsement before going into effect.

Government data showed there were 206 North Korean defectors who could not receive full state support due to failing to meet the one-year deadline as of Sept. 2018.

The government has been seeking to expand support for North Korean defectors to better help them settle in South Korean society. There are about 30,000 North Korean defectors living here. (Yonhap)

