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Ruling party hails pope’s stance on NK visit, stresses strong ties with US

The Pope effectively accepting the invitation to North Korea conveyed by Moon Jae-in on Thursday will aid the denuclearization process, and is evidence of international society’s support for peace, ruling Democratic Party floor leader Rep. Hong Young-pyo said Friday. 

Floor leader of the ruling Democratic Party Rep. Hong Young-pyo speaks at the party`s supreme council meeting on Friday. Yonhap
Floor leader of the ruling Democratic Party Rep. Hong Young-pyo speaks at the party`s supreme council meeting on Friday. Yonhap

According to Cheong Wa Dae, Pope Francis responded positively to North Korean leader Kim jong-un’s suggestion that the pontiff visit North Korea during the president’s visit to the Vatican.

“The pope’s acceptance signifies the international community’s support for peace on the Korean Peninsula,” Hong said at the party’s supreme council meeting.

“If the pope’s visit is realized, it will be a step towards brining North Korea to denuclearization,” he said, adding that the UN needs to take a “flexible” approach.

Hong went onto say that the UN needs to consider sanctions in “mutualistic” ways. At the meeting, Hong also said that Seoul and Washington share a common goal, and denied concerns that there is a rift between the allies.

By Choi He-suk (