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Samsung stands at 64th place in corporate responsibility ranking: poll

Samsung Electronics Co., South Korea's biggest conglomerate by sales, came in 64th place in corporate responsibility this year, which falls far short of its No. 6 ranking in brand value, a US market survey showed Sunday.

In the 2018 Global Corporate Responsibility Trak 100 rankings released by the Reputation Institute, the world's biggest chip giant scored 64.9 points to rank 64th, up from 89th with 64.5 points a year earlier. 


Samsung's ranking has improved this year compared with a year ago, but it was way below its overall brand value that was recently announced by international brand consultancy firm Interbrand.

The RI rankings are based on a company's governance structure, social contribution and working conditions for workers. The RI is a Boston-based global leader in reputation intelligence and New York-based Interbrand is a leader in measuring corporate brand value.

Google Inc. topped others in the RI rankings, and Apple Inc. ranked first in Interbrand's brand list for 2018. (Yonhap)