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Bolton says 2nd US-NK summit will take place in 'next couple of months'

US national security adviser John Bolton has said President Donald Trump's second meeting with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong-un, will take place in the "next couple of months."

The remark was made following US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's recent visit to North Korea last weekend where he had hourslong talks with the North Korean leader.
US National Security Advisor John Bolton (left) and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attend a White House meeting on Thursday, local time. (Yonhap)
US National Security Advisor John Bolton (left) and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attend a White House meeting on Thursday, local time. (Yonhap)

"We'll see a meeting, I think, between Chairman Kim and President Trump sometime in the next couple of months," Bolton said in a radio interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show that aired Friday, local time.

Earlier this week, Trump said the meeting will take place after the US midterm elections slated for early November.

Referring to the Obama administration's policy of "strategic patience" as a synonym for "doing nothing," the US top security adviser said the combination of the potential use of military force and maximum pressure on the economic front seem to have brought Kim to the table.

The security adviser also reiterated the need for complete and irreversible denuclearization by the North.

"If they do that and walk through the door, the future could be very different for the North Korean people," Bolton said.

