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Pregnant women celebrated amid record-low birthrate

The Ministry of Health and Welfare -- in coordination with the Korea Population, Health and Welfare Association -- held a ceremony and special performance Wednesday in celebration of “Pregnant Woman’s Day” at KBS Art Hall in Seoul.

The ceremony especially invited those who have contributed to creating a healthy and safe environment for women experiencing pregnancy, childbirth and childrearing.


Pregnant Woman’s Day was established to promote a positive and caring environment for pregnant women and raise awareness of Korea’s record-low birthrate, which now sits at about 1.05 births per woman according to the Korean Statistical Informational Service. Oct. 10 was chosen for the holiday to reflect the month of abundance -- October -- and the pregnancy period -- traditionally considered to be 10 months here.

At the ceremony, the Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology gave pregnant women and their families medical advice regarding pregnancy and childbirth. Multiple programs including pregnancy experience booths, making baby clothes and concerts and story-telling for prenatal development were also held.

Dr. Ko Eun-sun received the President’s Award for her contributions to aiding unwed mothers in their childbirths, supporting immigrant workers and multicultural families as well as working toward the prevention of sexual violence in the community. Professors, doctors and other workers were presented with Prime Minister’s Awards.


The Ministry of Health and Welfare also provided a policy book on pregnancy, childbirth and child care and distributed “pregnancy first” accessories, which help women especially in the early stages of pregnancy get priority seating on public transportation.

By Kim Jee-min (