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North Korea fined $2,000 at Asian Cup

DOHA, Qatar _ The Asian Football Confederation has fined North Korea $2,000 for failing to bring a player to an Asian Cup news conference.

The fine, announced Sunday, is the latest to be imposed on teams at the tournament in Doha, Qatar for violating the AFC's media policy. Qatar has also been fined $2,000 for the same offense while complaints against Iraq and Saudi Arabia for failing to bring players to a news conference have been sent to the AFC's disciplinary committee. (AP)

<한글 요약>

아시아축구연맹(AFC)는 북한 대표팀이 공식 기자회견장에 나타나지 않은 이유로 2천 달러의 벌금을 매겼다.

북한 대표팀 외에도 카타르 대표팀도 공식 기자회견장에 나타나지 않았다는 이유로 2천 달러 벌금을 받았으며, 이라크와 사우디 아라비아도 같은 내용으로 아시아축구연맹 징계위원회에서 심의중이다.


North Korea's national soccer player Jong Tae-se (middle) plays with his teammates during a training session for the Asian Cup soccer tournament in Doha. (Yonhap News)
North Korea's national soccer player Jong Tae-se (middle) plays with his teammates during a training session for the Asian Cup soccer tournament in Doha. (Yonhap News)
