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권희원, LG전자 고문으로 남아

LG전자 HE사업본부장 권희원 사장이 고문으로 남게 됐다.

오늘 (27일) LG는 인사이동을 발표하면서 이와 같이 밝혔다.

LG전자 측에 따르면 권사장의 이동은 “새로운 모멘텀을 위한 수장 교체로 보는 게 바람직”하다며 경질설을 부인했다.

세계적인 TV시장의 불황으로 LG전자 역시 부진을 면치 못하고 있다.

이로 인해 수익률이 1%대로 추락하는 등 실적부진이 권사장 퇴임의 가장 큰 이유로 꼽힌다. 게다가 구글 TV등 차세대 제품도 이렇다 할 성과를 나타내지 못하고 있다.

LG측은 업황이 가장 큰 문제였다고 하면서도 이번 인사는 합리적인 결정이었다고 전했다. 특히 필요한 부분에 힘을 실어주는 것이 인사의 핵심이었다고 밝혔다.

권사장의 뒤를 잇는 하현회 부사장은 LG시너지팀을 이끌었고, 지난 1985년 LG금속에 입사한 이후 1999년부터 LG디스플레이에 몸담으며 TV, 모바일 등의 디스플레이 패널 사업에서 좋은 실적을 보였던 것으로 알려져 있다.

(코리아헤럴드 김지현, 김영원 기자)

<관련 영문 기사>

LG names three new presidents 

HE president Kwon Hee-won demoted to advisor

LG Electronics said Wednesday that it has named three new presidents along with other top executives.

Park Jong-seok, president and CEO of LG Electronics’ mobile communications division, will be promoted to company president while maintaining his current position.

Ha Hyun-hoi, executive vice president of LG Corp., has been named president and CEO of the home entertainment division of LG Electronics, while Jung Do-hyun, executive vice president and CFO of the firm, will be promoted to president.

Ha will be succeeding Kwon Hee-won, who stepped down to serve as an advisor. Kwon had been hit by sluggish TV sales at LG, caused partly by a lack of innovative products and also an overall market decline.

Along with the new presidents, 41 senior executives have been promoted, according to the electronics giant.

The appointments, which came after a board meeting held on Wednesday, are in line with putting more focus on strengthening LG’s mobile business, as seen with Park’s promotion. Park led LG’s G project, a marketing plan to promote a premium brand image and take back market leadership.

The Korean electronics firm said it would maintain five business units including mobile, home entertainment, and home appliances, but each business unit would operate its own research and development center to maximize synergy effects.

In order to avoid overlap in global sales departments, all the businesses’ units will be integrated into one named the global sales and marketing office. The GSMO will be led by Park Seok-won, head of LG Electronics USA since 2009.

By Kim Ji-hyun, Kim Young-won

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