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제일모직 새 이름 “삼성인더스트리”?

이달 초 패션부문을 삼성에버랜드로 넘긴 제일모직이 소재업체로의 변신을 꾀하면서 그에 걸 맞는 새로운 이름에 대한 윤곽이 잡혀가고 있다고 업계 관계자들이 전했다. 

현재 가장 유력한 후보로 거론되는 이름은 “삼성인더스트리즈.” 단수로 “삼성인더스트리”도 가능성이 높다. 

해외에서는 이미 “삼성캐미칼”이라는 이름으로 활동하고 있는 만큼 “삼성캐미칼”도 후보 군에 포함되어있는 것으로 알려져 있다.

삼성캐미칼은 제일모직이 생산하는 플라스틱 레진 등의 소재를 판매하는 삼성그룹 자회사로 미국 캘리포니아에 위치해 있다.

마지막으로, 삼성과 제일 두 이름 모두를 살리는 “삼성 제일 인더스트리”도 제일모직의 새로운 영문 명으로 거론되고 있다고 업계 관계자들이 전했다.

이에 대해 제일모직 측은 아직 확정된 내용이 없다고 밝혔다.

(코리아헤럴드 김지현 기자)

<관련 영문 기사>

Cheil Industries to be renamed

Following its change of business from clothing manufacturer to component supplier, Samsung’s Cheil Industries is expected to change its name to fit its new role.

According to those close to the Korean conglomerate, “Samsung Industries” and “Samsung Chemicals” are the two options that the company is considering.

Going singular may also be an option ― “Samsung Industry” or “Samsung Chemical.” The latter is already being used by the U.S. chemicals subsidiary established in 2001 with the support of Cheil Industries.

Samsung Chemical is involved mainly in selling and distributing the plastic resin and solid surface materials manufactured by Cheil Industries.

“To my knowledge, it’s only a matter of time before Samsung makes an official announcement,” a source said, declining to be identified.

One other possibility for the new name is “Samsung Cheil Industries,” he added.

The change had been widely expected, since as of this month, Cheil Industries has officially rid itself of all fashion-related business that was handed over to Samsung Everland, the de facto holding company for Samsung.

With the move, Lee Kun-hee’s second-eldest daughter Seo-hyun, who was senior executive vice president of Cheil Industries, was made president of Samsung Everland.

At the same time, Samsung Electronics’ LED vice president was named head of Cheil Industries.

Other significant business changes include the purchase of a majority stake in German-based OLED technology and material provider Novaled. Samsung Electronics also bought a stake.

The bolstering of Cheil’s materials aspect may be a move to secure a stable supplier for Samsung’s main cash cow, Samsung Electronics.

Cheil Industries was first established in 1954 by Samsung founder Lee Byung-chull. It started to evolve into a materials firm in the late 1990s.

By Kim Ji-hyun (

