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'무궁화 5호 장애는 알카텔이 배상해야'

KT가 운영하는 무궁화 5호 위성의 일부 부품 장애에 대한 보상은 위성 제작업체인 프랑스 알카텔에서 배상해 줘야 할 것이라고 업계 관계자들이 전했다.

전문가들은 수명이 다하지 않은 시점에서 고장이 발생했기 때문에 알카텔측에서 보상을 해주게 되어있다며 보험 등으로 처리될 것으로 내다봤다.

무궁화 5호의 수명은 공식적으로 2025년까지다.

KT와 알카텔측은 지상파 방송사들의 국내•국외 위성방송(SNG)과 군 통신망 등으로 쓰이고 있는 무궁화 5호 위성의 전력공급장치 일부가 고장 난 채로 운용 중인 사실을 발견하고 원인파악과 대응책 마련에 나섰지만 복구가 어렵다고 결론을 내렸다.

전력 생산을 담당하는 태양전지판 회전이 작동을 안 하면서 전력 생산량이 최대 생산 가능 전력의 절반 수준으로 줄어든 상황이다.

KT측은 이와 같은 고장을 고려해 위성이 설계되었기 때문에 운용에는 문제가 없다고 밝혔다.

하지만 안정적인 서비스를 위해 이르면 2016년에 대체 위성을 발사할 계획이다.

무궁화 5호는 KT와 국방부가 공동으로 3000억 원 가량을 들여 띄운 민•군 공용위성이다. 36개의 중계기 가운데 12개는 군(합참)이, 24개는 KT가 사용하고 있다.

(코리아헤럴드 신지혜 기자) 

<관련 영문 기사>

Alcatel may have to reimburse satellite malfunction 

Alcatel Lucent, which manufactured KT Corp.’s satellite Koreasat-5 -- a communication satellite also known as the Mugungwha 5 -- will most likely have to reimburse KT for a malfunction found in the solar panels, a source said on Wednesday.

“KT will call for Alcatel to take responsibility, since (the satellite) is still within the design lifespan,” said the source, indicating that the insurance coverage has yet to expire.

The Mugunghwa 5 manufactured by Alcatel was launched in August of 2006, with a lifespan of 15 years.

The source also said while the glitch was unlikely to cause major problems, it should be fixed immediately since the panels will not be able to collect as much sunlight as possible, and therefore would not be able to generate a full capacity of electric power.

Currently, the satellite is said to be generating only half of its full energy capacity.

KT is now considering launching an alternative satellite as early as 2016.

The company also said that the glitch would cause no real damage to the satellite.

“Most satellites encounter these types of problems, so it’s all routine,” said one KT official. “There’s also a backup system in place, meaning there would be no need to be concerned about communication disturbances.”

The Mugungwha 5 is being used for satellite broadcasting for the nation’s terrestrial broadcasters, and also for military communication.

Satellites have become a problematic issue for KT, as the country’s second-largest telecom company is currently being pounded for being short-changed in a sales transaction for a retired satellite to Hong Kong-based Asia Broadcast Satellite.

KT Sat, the affiliate under KT that had been in charge of the disputed sale that took place in 2010, now has to buy back the satellite on orders from the Future Ministry, which earlier launched an investigation into the sale, saying it was illegal.

ABS, however, is refusing to resell the satellite at a higher price, and is demanding KT pay at least 500 million won.

“The matter has been handed over to an international mediation body, so we are in a position where we can’t further comment,” said Annette Chan, a spokeswoman for ABS. “We know this is an issue of much significance in Korea, but because KT is also a client of ours, we have no choice but to be cautious.”

The International Court of Arbitration in New York is currently arbitrating the resale.

By Shin Ji-hye (
