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호텔신라 이부진 사장의 노블리스 오블리제

호텔신라 이부진 사장의 숨겨졌던 선행이 알려져 화제다.

지난달 25일 오후 5시쯤 서울 중구 장충동2가의 서울 신라호텔에서 모범택시 1대가 호텔 출입구 회전문을 들이받는 사고가 벌어졌다.

택시 운전기사 A씨(82)는 보험에는 가입돼 있었지만 신라호텔의 피해액은 5억 원 수준이어서 A씨는 4억 원이 넘는 돈을 변상해야 할 처지에 놓였다.

보고를 받은 이부진 사장은 “우리도 피해가 있었지만 운전자도 놀랐을 것”이라며 그의 가정 상황을 탐문하고 “배상을 요구하지 말고 필요하면 치료비도 지급하라”고 지시했다.

실제로 호테신라 임직원이 방문해보니 A씨는 단칸방에서 뇌경색으로 쓰러진 아내를 돌보며 어렵게 살고 있었다.

이부진 소식을 접한 누리꾼들은 “이부진, 배포 큰 마음 존경스럽다”, “이부진, 통큰 경영 보여주었다”, “이부진, 멋져 보인다” 등의 반응을 보였다.


<관련 영문 기사>

Shilla CEO in spotlight for good deed

Hotel Shilla’s chief executive Lee Boo-jin is in the news, this time for a good deed that did not go unnoticed, according to those familiar with the matter.

Lee, who is Samsung Group chairman Lee Kun-hee’s eldest daughter, reportedly showed forgiveness to an 82-year-old taxi driver who smashed into the hotel’s revolving doors and injured four people in February this year.

Learning of the dire financial situation of the driver, the CEO exempted him from having to compensate nearly 500 million won ($465,000) in damages despite the police saying the driver was at fault.

The driver, only identified by his surname Hong, had earlier claimed that he had been approaching the lobby to pick up passengers when the accelerator malfunctioned, causing him to drive straight into the entrance of the building.

A police investigation, however, showed that the collision was Hong’s fault.

His insurance policy, which covers roughly 50 million won in liabilities, left him to reimburse the hotel more than 400 million won.

Hearing of the incident, Lee reportedly told Hotel Shilla’s vice president that it did not appear as if the driver had done this intentionally, and is most likely suffering from the accident. She also asked if she could visit him and check out how he was doing.

Following a trip to his house on Feb. 27 by the vice president and an employee from the company’s communication team, Lee learned that Hong was living in impoverished circumstances.

She then proposed that the company bear the damages.

The deed caught the eyes of local netizens who lauded the CEO for her act of kindness, although some dismissed it, citing her trillionaire status.

By Kim Joo-hyun (