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The Korea Herald to host Biz Forum on ASEAN and New Asia

Southeast Asia is increasingly emerging as an important market for South Korean companies, particularly in light of the of the Moon Jae-in government’s “New Southern Policy” that aims to elevate Korea’s ties with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and India.

And with shifting geopolitical relations, South Korea’s economy is expected to play a bigger role in the years ahead in bridging the Northeast Asian market with markets in Southeast Asia.

With this, The Korea Herald is hosting its inaugural business forum focusing on Southeast Asia in partnership with the ASEAN-Korea Centre. 

“The Korea Herald Biz Forum: ASEAN and New Asia” strives to increase understanding and cooperation between the executives of Korea’s top companies and diplomats representing the countries of Southeast Asia.

The event will kick off with a keynote speech from Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Global Community Aladdin D. Rillo, followed by lectures from local and global experts on Southeast Asia.

Kwak Sung-il, director general of the New Southern Policy Department at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, will discuss the implications of the Moon government’s New Southern Policy.

Lee Sung-min, a research associate at the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute, will discuss the digital revolution sweeping Southeast Asia, and the opportunities it forges for Korean content providers.

Geoffrey See, founder and CEO of Singapore-based Choson Exchange, will share how Singapore and Vietnam are serving as neutral platforms for building economic ties between North and South Korea.

Jeong Cheol, an attorney at local law firm Jipyong LLC, will underscore the legal implications for foreign investors seeking business opportunities in ASEAN.

The event will be attended by more than 200 high-level executives and diplomatic dignitaries from the ASEAN countries, as well as the South Korean government, political and business representatives. The forum takes place Tuesday at The Shilla Seoul from 7:30-11:30 a.m. 
