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Photo essay about rescued puppy Injeolmi becomes best-seller

A photo essay titled “Hi! My Name Is Injeolmi” (unofficial translation) recently became a bestseller, proving the dog’s popularity even outside the realm of social media.

The book of photos and short anecdotes about rescued puppy Injeolmi ranked within the top 10 on the Kyobo Book Centre’s best-seller list for the second week of January. Released Monday, the book documents Injeolmi’s life and rescue story. 

(Wisdom House)
(Wisdom House)

Instagram account @zzangjeolmi
Instagram account @zzangjeolmi

A farmer’s daughter rescued Injeolmi from a ditch near an apple orchard in August after a heavy rainstorm. The young woman then adopted the young animal and used social media to share photos and ask basic questions about puppy care.

The postings on the Instagram account @zzangjeolmi soon went viral, garnering around 1 million followers as of now.

Instagram account @zzangjeolmi
Instagram account @zzangjeolmi

Published by Wisdom House, the photo essay costs 15,000 won ($13.40).

By Im Eun-byel (