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[팟캐스트] (300) 태국정부, 스타트업 육성에 박차 / 태국스타트업 “Zmyhome” 부동산시장 선진화 전략 앞세워

진행자: 김지현 (Jemmie), Paul Kerry

1.Thailand pulls out all stops to nurture startups

기사요약: 태국경제 발전을 도모하기 위해 최근 태국정부가 스타트업을 육성하기 위한 정책을 앞다퉈 내놓고 있고, 업계에서도 큰 기대를 걸고 있다.

[1] Thailand pulls out all stops to nurture startups

Pull out all stops: 최선을 다해, 혼신의 힘을 다해

[2] The startup scene in Thailand is far from thriving, but industry watchers believe the next five to 10 years will bring pivotal changes to the Southeast Asian nation.

Pivotal: 급작스러운, 중심축이 움직일만한      

[3] “Thailand is literally a gold mine for new opportunities,” Jayden Kang, executive director of Line’s startup investment program ScaleUp, told The Investor during a recent interview in Bangkok, just a week after the king’s coronation.

Gold mine: 금광, 기회가 풍부한

[4] Line has a huge presence in the country -- Thailand is the messenger service’s No. 2 market after Japan -- and it is looking to expand its services to create a “smart platform” consisting of a plethora of mobile contents including payment, games and more. It plans to invest a total of $20 million into Thai startups by the end of this year, together with Line Ventures.

A plethora of: 과다한, 과잉, 많은 양의

[5] Line Ventures is the corporate VC under Line Corp. that operates funds worth 15 billion yen ($136.39 million).

“This is a unique market that requires a lot of localization. At the same time, it’s unsaturated in many ways and at a stage where investments in the right places could really hit the right spot,” said Kang.

Hit the right spot: 정확하게 맞추다


2. ZmyHome aims to take Thailand property market to next level

기사요약: 태국의 “직빵”으로 발돋움하고 있는 부동산 스타트업 “Zmyhome”이 태국부동산거래 시장의 선진화를 공략하는 비즈니스 모델을 구축하는 사업에 시동을 걸고 있다

[1] The Thailand real estate market has a sort of Wild West feel to it.

Wild West: 무법지대

[2] There are no appraisal standards, and self-proclaimed real estate agents fall short of being trustworthy. At the same time, property sales platforms neglect screening out fake listings. This is to keep the buyers hooked. Even the government is unable to keep track of the transactions.

Screen out: 솎아내다
Keep track of: 기록을 해두다

[3] Frustrated by the unstructured market, Natthapon, a former property consultant at CBRE, decided to establish a real estate platform some years ago that offers accurate property information and helps connect sellers directly with buyers.

“The market structure for people to sell properties in Thailand is very poor,” he said in an interview with The Investor, pointing out the lack of related reliable data.

“With no professionals, no transaction data, and no reliable platform to know the market, it is extremely hard to sell properties here,” he added.

Such scarcity of data and experts became a driving force for him to kick-start this own business.

Driving force: 자극, 활기
Kick-start: 시동을 걸다

