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[팟캐스트] (477) 마약 늪에 빠진 한국, 해법은? / 野 “여가부, 폐지 아닌 확대 필요”

진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Soaring drug use catches Korea unprepared

기사 요약: 마약 유통과 공급이 다양한 통로로 급속도로 퍼지면서 한국은 “마약 청정국”에서 벗어나고 있다. 마약 늪에 빠진 한국, 그 해법은?

Korea, once touted by the government as “drug-free,” is seeing a fast rise in drug offences. Experts say the government’s belated crackdown is not enough, and prevention and rehabilitation efforts are needed alongside it.

* Touted: 장점을 내세우다

* Drug-free: 마약, 마약 복용자가 없는

* Offence: 위법행위; 범죄

* Crackdown: 엄중 단속

* Rehabilitation: 재활 치료

A country with 20 or fewer offenders out of every 100,000 people is generally considered a drug-free nation, although there is no international index to measure it.

* Offenders: 범죄자

* Considered: 여겨지는

* Index: 지표

* Measure: 측정하다

Based on that figure, Korea hasn't been drug-free since 2015, and the number of offenders is rising each year.

* Based on: ~에 근거하여

* Rising: 상승하다; 증가하다

In the first half of this year, the total number of drug offenders increased by 13.4 percent to 8,575 compared to the same period last year, and the number convicted for smuggling and distribution increased 32.7 percent to 2,437.

* Convicted: 유죄 판결을 하다

* Smuggling: 밀수, 밀반입

* Distribution: 분배; 유통

The increase is more stark among minors, with number of teenage offenders increasing 11-fold in the past decade.

* Stark: 삭막한, 냉혹한

* 11-fold: 11배의

기사 전문:


2. Democratic Party: Don't abolish Gender Ministry, expand it

기사 요약: 野 “여가부, 폐지 아닌 확대 필요”

The main opposition Democratic Party of Korea on Tuesday made official its stance against plans to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, while backing other parts of the government's reorganization strategy.

* Stance: 어떤 일에 대한 공개적인 입장 혹은 태도

* Be against something: ~에 반대하다

* Abolish: (법률·제도·조직을) 폐지하다

* Backing: 지원하다; 지지하다

Countering the government’s plan to abolish it, the Democratic Party said the ministry should be expanded, with a reorganization of the ministry's functions. Rep. Kim Sung-hwan, who chairs the party’s policy planning committee, made such remarks during a press conference held at the National Assembly.

* Countering: 반박하다

* Function: 기능

* Chairs: 의장을 맡다

* Remark: 발언

Kim said the Democratic Party is working on another restructuring plan that would keep the Gender Ministry with changes in its name and functions. Kim added that the Democratic Party will table its own plan when it negotiates with the ruling party after the National Assembly inspection of the government offices is concluded.

* Work on: ~에 노력을 들이다, 착수하다

* Table: (의안 등을) 상정하다

When asked if opposition to the government's restructuring plan has become the Democratic Party’s platform, Kim refused to provide a direct answer. “Please understand this as an official announcement from the head of the party’s policy planning committee.”

*Platform: 토대

*Refuse: 거절하다

기사 전문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):

팟빵 (안드로이드):

By Park Jun-hee (