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Restaurant removes urinals shaped like woman’s mouth

SYDNEY (AFP) -- A sumptuous new French restaurant in Sydney said Wednesday it would remove two urinals designed to resemble a woman‘s lipsticked mouth, apologising for any offence they have caused.

The Ananas Bar and Brasserie said the bright red-lipped urinals shaped like an open mouth were “a commonly used European design piece from female Dutch artist Meike van Schijndel.”

“We sincerely apologise if they have caused offence. They are being removed today,” a spokeswoman said in a statement.

The stylish restaurant opened three weeks ago, with the Sydney Morning Herald’s food reviewer describing the urinals as “no real surprise here at Ananas, merely adding to the extraordinary collision of statements and intent”.

But feminist, former political adviser and writer Anne Summers said the design was offensive. “Misogyny is very widespread, and this is just an example of misogyny,” said Summers.

“The concept is pretty challenging and confronting. They’re asking men to put their dicks in these mouths as urinals.”

Australia is the grip of a fierce political debate about sexism after Prime Minister Julia Gillard, the nation’s first woman leader, accused opposition leader Tony Abbott of being a misogynist.

The unmarried Gillard said Tuesday she had been personally offended by many of Abbott’s remarks over the years -- from urging her to “make an honest woman of herself”, to his cat-calling at her in parliament.

“If he wants to know what misogyny looks like in modern Australia, he doesn’t need a motion in the House of Representatives, he needs a mirror,” she said in stinging comments.

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여성 입모양 남성 소변기 논란 후 철거

호주 시드니의 한 레스토랑이 여성의 입모양을 닮은 남성용 소변기들을 철거하겠다고 밝히고 성차별이나 여성 혐오에 대해 논란이 된 것에 대해 사과했다.

’아나나스 바 앤 브래서리’ 레스토랑 측은 빨간 입술 모양의 소변기는 네덜란드 여성 작가 마이케 반 쉬진델의 작품에서 디자인 된, 유럽에서는 흔히 사용되는 소변기라고 밝혔다.

그러나 레스토랑 측은 "우리가 무례를 범했다면 사죄하겠다, 소변기는 철거하겠다"고 밝혔다.

이 레스토랑은 3주 전에 개업했다.

페미니스트인 앤 서머스는 이 소변기의 디자인은 여성 험오가 얼마나 널리 퍼져있는 지를 보여주는 한 예라고 비판했다.



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