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Jeyuk-gui (spicy broiled pork)

Jeyuk-gui (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)
Jeyuk-gui (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)
Jeyuk-gui is pork seasoned with red pepper paste then broiled on a grill. Koreans have been breeding pigs in large numbers since time immemorial, and have developed various pork dishes. An old cookbook, Eumsik Dimibang (1670), introduced the method of marinating pork with seasoning, coating it with wheat flour and then frying it.


● 550 g pork (fillet)

● seasoning: 1/2 tbsp ginger juice, 1 tbsp refined rice wine

● seasoning sauce: 2 3/4 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp red pepper paste, 2 tbsp ground red pepper, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp refined rice wine, 2 tbsp minced green onion, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1/8 tsp ground black pepper, 2 tbsp sesame oil

● 1 tbsp edible oil

● 50 g lettuce, 50 g crown daisy

1. Clean the pork and cut it into 6 cm by 4 cm strips, put narrow slits on both sides.

2. Prepare seasoning and seasoning sauce.

3. Trim and wash lettuce and crown daisy.

1. Add seasoning to the pork, marinate it for 10 min.

2. Add 2/3 of seasoning sauce to the pork, mix, and then marinate for 30 min.

3. Preheat the grill and oil. Broil the marinated pork on high heat for 3 min. for each side.

4. Broil it again for 3 min. with a coating of the seasoning sauce, taking care not to get burnt.

5. Layer the lettuce and crown daisy on a dish with the broiled pork.


● Increasing the number of narrow slits prevents the meat curling.

● If the pork is broiled on too high a heat, the surface will burn, but remain rare inside. Take care adjusting the heat.

(Adapted from the Institute of Traditional Korean Food)