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Soe-galbijjim (Braised beef ribs)

Soe-galbijjim (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)
Soe-galbijjim (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)

Soe-galbijjim is braised beef ribs with Korean radish or brown oak mushrooms, vegetables and seasonings. This is a typical Korean dish, loved by people of all ages. Jjim is a popular cooking method that simmers or braises seasoned ingredients with water.


● 400 g beef ribs, 3 cups pre-cleaning water

● 4 cups water

● seasoning sauce : 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp honey, 50 g pear juice, 1 tbsp minced green onion, 1/2 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp sesame salt, 1/8 tsp ground black pepper, 1 tsp refined rice wine, 1 tbsp sesame oil

● 2 sheets brown oak mushrooms, 100 g radish, 70 g carrot

● 4 chestnut, 4 jujube, 8 gingko, 1 pine nut

● 1 egg, 1 tbsp edible oil

● 1 tbsp sesame oil

Cut the beef ribs into 5 cm pieces, remove excess fat and tendons. Soak in water for 3 hours, changing the water every hour to draw out the blood. Score the meat at intervals of 1.5 cm.

Soak the brown oak mushrooms in water for 1 hour, remove stems, dry, and cut into 2-4 pieces.

Cut the radish and carrot into 3 cm-square and 2.5 cm-thick, trim the edges.

Skin the chestnuts. Clean the jujube, cut the flesh into rounds, and roll up.

Stir-fry the gingko for 2 min. on medium heat, maintaining green color and skin.

Remove tops of the pine nuts.

Panfry the egg for garnish, cut into shapes.

Blend seasoning sauce.

Heat water till boiling and add the beef ribs for 2 min. to clean the beef ribs. Rinse the ribs in water.

Put the beef ribs and water into pot, heat it up for 4 min. When it boils, lower the heat to medium, simmer it for 20 min. Take out the beef ribs from the broth, and strain the broth after cooling down.

Put the beef ribs and half of the seasoning sauce into the pot, marinate it for 10 min. Add 2½ cups of broth, heat it up for 3 min. When it boils, lower the heat to medium, boil it for 20 minutes more.

When the beef ribs are well-done and the broth is reduced by half, add the mushrooms, radish, chestnuts and the remaining half of the sauce. Boil it for 12 min. add carrot, boil for another 7 min. Then add jujube, gingko and pine nuts, boil for 3 min. with sprinkling broth onto the beef ribs to set a gloss on.

When the broth is reduced, remove the radish. Mix the ribs with sesame oil. Serve with egg garnish.


● Boil the beef ribs slowly on medium heat to get soft and tasteful beef ribs.

● To set a gloss on the beef ribs, braze it with sprinkling seasoning sauce after the meat is well-done.

(Adapted from the Institute of Traditional Korean Food)