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과테말라 산사태 사망자 56명으로 증가…실종 350명

과테말라 수도 과테말라시티 외곽에서 지난 1일(현지시간) 발생한 산사태에 따른 사망자 수가 계속 늘고 있다.

과테말라시티에서 15㎞ 떨어진 산타 카타리나 피눌라 마을에서 발생한 사고로 3 일 오후 현재 56명이 사망하고 350여 명이 실종된 상태라고 AP통신 등 외신들이  현 지 구조 당국의 발표를 인용해 보도했다. 

사망자 중에는 3명 이상의 어린이와 영아도 포함된 것으로 알려졌다.

시간이 지날수록 사망자가 계속 늘어날 가능성이 큰 가운데 애초 600여 명으로 추정된 실종자 수는 감소했다.

사고는 폭우가 쏟아진 1일 자정을 전후해 120여 구가 모여 있는 마을의 뒷산이 순식간에 무너져내리면서 일어났다.

무너지는 집 속에서 빠져나와 구사일생으로 생존한 한 주민은 "굉음과 함께  토 사가 쏟아지면서 전기가 끊어지고 암흑천지로 돌변했다"고 말했다. 

주민 중 일부가 토사에 파묻힌 가옥 속에서 '살아있다'는 가족의 문자 메시지를 받았다는 말에 따라 구조대가 구조와 수색에 총력을 기울이고 있다.

구조대원과 주민 등 500여 명이 중장비와 함께 동원됐으나 지형이 험난해 구조 작업에 애를 먹고 있다.

미국과 쿠바 등 일부 국가는 과테말라 정부에 구조대와 구호 물품 등을  지원하 겠다고 제안했다.

과테말라는 지난달 오토 페레스 몰리나 전 대통령이 뇌물 수수 혐의로 사퇴하고 재판을 받는 가운데 총선이 치러지는 등 국정 혼란 속에서 대형 자연재해를 맞았다.

페레스 몰리나 대통령의 사임으로 헌법재판관이었다가 대통령직을 물려받아 차 기 정부가 들어서는 내년 1월까지 임기를 수행하는 알레한드로 말도나도는 생존자 구조에 총력을 기울이겠다고 말했다. (연합)

<관련 영문 기사>

Guatemalan mudslide death toll reaches 56,  hundreds missing

Rescue workers using shovels and pickaxes recovered more bodies from the rubble of a collapsed hillside on the outskirts of Guatemala City on Saturday as an official said the death toll had risen to 56 with another 350 people believed missing.

Julio Sanchez, spokesman for Guatemala’s volunteer firefighters, said the death toll will likely continue to rise as emergency crews dig through tons of earth that buried some 125 homes Thursday night in Cambray, a neighborhood in the suburb of Santa Catarina Pinula. Earlier estimates had said that 600 people could be missing.

Despite the passing time, emergency services coordinator Sergio Cabanas said rescuers “still have hope of finding people alive if we just keep searching.” 

At the site, workers with dogs labored without rest, halting only when a long whistle sounded, testing if anyone was still alive under the mud and debris.

“We’re from the rescue unit,” one worker announced. “If there is someone there, please make some noise or yell.”

When no response was heard, two more long whistles sounded, a sign that the workers should continue digging.

Cabanas said he had been contacted by several people who reported receiving messages on their cellphones from family members trapped under the rubble. He said authorities had not seen the reported text messages, but had asked local telephone companies to try to map out the places where the messages were sent from.

Highlighting the horror faced by rescuers, Sanchez said that officials had arrived at the death toll of 56 by counting body parts, such as heads and torsos.

Among those mourning the loss of their relatives on Saturday was Nehemias Gonzalez, who seemed to have run out of tears. He lost his 21-year-old wife, Masiel Alexandra, and their 2-year-old child, Angel Efrain.

Gonzalez said he was working at his job at a McDonald’s restaurant when the landslide occurred. He said he usually left work at 11 p.m., but that day he was given extra chores and didn’t leave until 4 a.m. Friday. It wasn’t until then that he learned about the disaster.

“The last thing she said when I called her on the telephone in the afternoon was that she loved me,” Gonzalez said, looking down at the ground. “I love her, too.”

Also at the site was Haroldo Perez, who traveled with four other relatives from San Marcos, about 177 miles (285 kilometers) west of the capital. Armed with shovels, they were searching for his 36-year-old sister Mary Perez, a secretary they had not heard from since the mudslide.

The dead were being brought to an improvised morgue where weeping relatives identified the bodies. The dead included Quani Bonilla, 18, who played on the national squash team.

Also among the bodies, rescuers found a mother embracing her two girls, said Carlos Turcios, a doctor who saw them when he came to help the rescue.

The hill that towers over Cambray, about 10 miles (15 kilometers) east of Guatemala City, partly collapsed onto a 200-foot (60-meter) stretch of the hamlet just before midnight, burying an estimated 125 homes.

Raul Rodas, an assistant village mayor, said about 150 families had lived in the area where the mudslide occurred.

Some of the untouched homes in Cambray, which sits on the edge of a small river, were abandoned by their owners for fear of further mudslides.

Homemaker Dulce del Carmen Lavarenzo Pu said she had just returned from church Thursday evening when the ground shook and she heard a terrible noise. A wave of mud slid from the nearby mountainside and buried everything just 150 feet (50 meters) from her house.

“Everything went black, because the lights went out,” the 28-year-old said. “Ash and dust were falling, so we left the house. You couldn’t see anything.”

Her cousin was among those killed when the rain-sodden hillside about 300 feet (100 meters) high had collapsed onto her neighborhood.

Marleni Pu, 25, stood Friday at the edge of the mudslide, her face swollen with weeping.

“My uncles, my cousins, my nieces and nephews are all there,” she said, looking across the field of debris where about two dozen relatives had lived. “Six houses where my relatives lived are all under the hillside now.”

Searchers dug out her relative, Rony Ramos, 23, who was rescued from a home near the edge of mudflow. But at its center, the landslide buried houses under a layer of rocks and earth as much as 50 feet (15 meters) deep. He had apparently been trapped in an air pocket, face down and unable to move.

“When our personnel were searching through the rubble, they heard a voice,” said rescue worker Cecilio Chacaj. “They located the man, who was buried about two meters (six feet) under rubble.” He said rescuers worked frantically for five hours with jackhammers and saws to free Ramos. (AP)
