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No tricks, only treats, at Seoul Dessert Fair in late October

Scary sweets galore at nation’s biggest dessert festival

Horror has never been sweeter.

The 18th Seoul Dessert Fair, South Korea’s largest dessert festival, will feature a variety of Halloween-themed sweets -- from “blood bags” containing fruit-flavored drinks to Frankenstein candies to zombie cupcakes.

(Instagram @seoul_dessert_fair)
(Instagram @seoul_dessert_fair)

Each round of the dessert fair features a seasonally apt theme such as cherry blossoms for spring and watermelons for summer.

The upcoming festival, slated for Oct. 20-21, is the fourth of 2018 and promises a Halloween party with only treats and no tricks.

Early birds can get tickets at a 40 percent discount for just 3,000 won ($2.60). Pastry chefs and dessert aficionados flock to the event, with tickets selling out fast each time around.

Although it is officially dubbed the Seoul Dessert Festival, this particular event will take place north of Seoul at the Korea International Exhibition Center in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province.

(Instagram @seoul_dessert_fair)
(Instagram @seoul_dessert_fair)

To accommodate those with furry friends, the event provides designated pet-friendly zones -- four-legged companions are also welcome to indulge in scary sweets. (Make sure to check that they're free of harmful ingredients such as raisins, chocolate and Xylitol.)

For the season’s most imaginative assortment of sugary delights, try the Dessert Fair this Halloween.

By Kim Arin (