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U.S. senator awarded S. Korean medal for contribution to alliance

Sen. Saxby Chambliss received a state medal from South Korea's government Thursday for his efforts to move relations between the two countries forward.

On behalf of President Park Geun-hye, South Korean Ambassador to the United States Ahn Ho-young awarded the Gwanghwa Medal of the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit to the senator in a ceremony at the embassy on Thursday.

Chambliss, who is set to retire after about two decades of service in the House and the Senate, has worked hard throughout his term to move Korea-U.S. relations forward, especially trade and economic ties, such as helping South Korean carmakers get into the U.S. market, the embassy said in a statement.

In 2011, he also initiated a resolution calling for Congress to immediately ratify the free trade agreement with South Korea and rendered support for Kia Motors to set up a presence in Georgia, the statement said. (Yonhap)
