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Forum to invite expert on creative economy

The Corea Image Communication Institute will host its 18th CQ forum at 6:20 p.m., Nov. 18, at the Kuwaiti Embassy in Seoul. Rep. Jeon Ha-jin of the ruling Saenuri Party, who has a long career in the venture business, will speak about his experience and Korea’s roadmap for the “creative economy.”

CICI is a nonprofit organization founded in 2003 and registered under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea. It brings together opinion leaders from diverse sectors through seminars, forums and receptions.

Kuwaiti Ambassador Jasem Albudaiwi, Doosan Group vice-president James Bemowski, BNP Paribas’ country head Joris Dierckx, Homeplus vice-president Sul Do-won and other members will attend.

“CQ” refers to quotients for creativity, communication, culture, concentration and cooperation. Half of CQ’s 300 members are Korean and the other half are foreigners. It has held biannual seminars since 2006 to share experiences and think of creative ways to publicize Korea in the global community.

To attend the event, call (010) 3004-0441 or (010) 3729-1843, or send an email to or

By Joel Lee (