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Pompeo says 2nd US-NK summit to be held in Asia

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that the second summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be held in Asia next month.

In an interview with Fox News, the top US diplomat reaffirmed the plan to have the summit at the end of February and added, "We'll do it someplace in Asia."


While media reports have speculated that Vietnam will host the meeting, it's the first time that a US official has revealed a location.

"I am dispatching a team," Pompeo said. "They're headed that way now to lay the foundations for what I hope will be a substantial additional step towards the path for not only denuclearization of the peninsula, but a brighter future for the North Korean people and security on the peninsula in a way that no previous administration's been able to achieve."

Trump and Kim held their first summit in Singapore in June and agreed to work toward the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for security guarantees for Pyongyang.

The sides have since wrangled over the exact terms, with the US demanding more concrete denuclearization steps and the North seeking sanctions relief among other concessions.

Pompeo credited Trump with drawing the Singapore commitment from Kim.

"Now it's time for my team and all of the United States government to work with the North Koreans to execute that and to deliver on our commitment to denuclearize that peninsula," he said.

"Chairman Kim has told us he's prepared to do it, and now the mission is to deliver on that." (Yonhap)


