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NK still not up to par on human rights conditions: report

North Korea continues to fall short of international standards in protecting the human rights of its people, also failing to implement many of the UN recommendations it earlier agreed to live up to, Amnesty International suggested in a report released Saturday.

    The report comes as North Korea is set to be reviewed for its human rights conditions under the United Nations' Universal Periodic Review (UPR).



    Amnesty International noted the communist state may have worked to increase its communication with various international human rights groups over the past four years but expressed regrets that the country has not agreed to any visits by an international organization to check up on its human rights conditions over the same period.

    Pyongyang agreed to implement 113 out of 268 items under the UPR in 2014, while only agreeing to pay more attention to 58 other items. It also partially accepted four items while rejecting 93.

    The UPR program was introduced in 2008, under which all 193 member states of the world body are subject to a review every 4 1/2 years. North Korea is up for its regular review in May.

    In its report, Amnesty International said the North had accepted the recommendation to guarantee fair trials for its people but noted most North Koreans, along with foreign visitors there, continue to face detention and imprisonment without fair trials that meet international standards.

    Pyongyang is said to be holding dozens of foreigners, including many South Koreans.

    The report also noted the people in North Korea had little or no access to outside information while they are also unable to freely exchange information among themselves, despite UPR recommendations to uarantee freedom of speech and expression. (Yonhap)
