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[Weather] Hazardous air pollutants from China to fog Korea

Toxic ultrafine and yellow dust from China will blanket the Korean Peninsula throughout Tuesday.

The smog is expected to worsen as the day progresses, as the western regions will be affected by yellow dust and high concentration of smog later in the afternoon.

Dust blankets Tuesday morning in Seoul. (Yonhap)
Dust blankets Tuesday morning in Seoul. (Yonhap)

Except for the southernmost provinces of South Jeolla, South Gyeongsang and Jeju, the dust will hit “bad” levels, which range at around 35 micrograms of fine dust particles per cubic meter. Seoul’s morning ultrafine dust levels were measured at 59, central province of North Chungcheong at 62, northeastern province of North Gyeongsang at 65.

Despite the dense levels of dust, temperatures will be warmer than average. Seoul will reach a daytime high of 13 degrees Celsius, central inland city of Daejeon 15C, southeastern coastal city of Busan 18C, and Jeju 18C.

By Kim Arin (