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Pyongyang slams Seoul over UN human rights resolution

A North Korean propaganda website lambasted South Korea on Sunday for the latter's participation in adopting a new UN human rights resolution against its regime, saying that it runs counter to the improvement of inter-Korean relations.

On November 15, a United Nations committee adopted a resolution calling for accountability for gross human rights violations in North Korea.


The UN Third Committee, which oversees humanitarian issues, passed the document by consensus without a vote. It is expected to pass the UN General Assembly next month for the 14th consecutive year.

The South Korean government joined the consensus-based decision in accordance with a policy to work together with the international community for a "substantive improvement" in the human rights of North Korean people.

"Despite repeated warning, the South joined the UN-led human rights resolution against us," Meari, the North's propaganda website, said.

The outlet said the South's participation in the UN human rights resolution cannot be justified in any case as it is part of the United States' policies to stifle North Korea.

The UN has adopted a North Korean human rights resolution every year since 2005. (Yonhap)
