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Last university women’s student council to be scrapped following general vote

Dongguk University’s women’s student council is facing its end after a majority of the school’s students voted for the association’s elimination on Wednesday.

According to the Dongguk University Press, 75.94 percent of the 7,036 students voted for the discontinuation of the university’s women’s student council. 22.37 percent voted against, and 1.69 percent were count as invalid.

The vote took place after complaints regarding the council’s lack of representation and communication have stirred controversy over the female-centered society. 


Students complained that the society received general funding from all students’ tuition fees but excluded men from membership. Only members could vote on decisions affecting the society’s activities and spending plans.

Despite efforts made by the women’s student council such as hosting debates and rallies to explain their cause, the board of student representatives had collected more than 500 signatures to request a vote on the abolition of the women’s student council.

On a rally hosted by the women’s student council held the day before the vote, some 200 members of the council gathered to proclaim that gender discrimination still exists on campus, and that their association is still needed.

The association will appeal the result of the vote, with plans to collect over 300 signatures from its members -- the required number to request for an appeal, according to the university’s student election bylaws.

The women’s student council of Dongguk University is the last active association of its kind among universities in Seoul. Women’s student councils in universities including Yonsei University and Sungkyunkwan University were also eliminated by general votes held this year in June and October, respectively.

By Kim Jee-min (