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Over 400 teachers, staff disciplined for DUI in last 3 years in Gyeonggi Province

Over 400 Gyeonggi Province teachers and school staff were disciplined for drunken driving in the last three years, according to a report from the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education.

The report on the status of civil servants disciplined for driving under the influence showed that a total of 406 school teachers and staff in the province faced disciplinary action between 2016 and 2018 for drunk driving, for causing drunk driving accdents or refusing to take a breathalyzer test. 


An elementary school teacher had his salary reduced for one month after refusing to take a breathalyzer test, while another teacher from a middle school received a pay cut for three months for a drunk driving accident.

The principal of an elementary school was given a two-month suspension for taking no actions after causing a DUI accident.

“Educational authorities should issue stiffer punishments than a reprimand or pay cut for drunk drivers,” Lee Jin, an education committee lawmaker of Gyeonggi’s provincial assembly, said Wednesday.

By Park Ju-young (